Monaco Collectif Humanitaire thanks its volunteers

On Tuesday 4th October, the Department of International Cooperation, who coordinates the solidarity network, Monaco Collectif Humanitaire, invited the volunteers involved in its project in order to thank them for their exemplary involvement, which has enabled 300 children to receive medical treatment in the Principality.

Those present at the soirée included members of Red Cross Monaco, the NGO Rencontres Africaines, the Cardio Thoracic Centre, the Princess Grace Hospital, and the Department of International Cooperation (DCI).

Host families, doctors, accompanying airline hosts and hostesses, those in charge of administrative formalities… all these volunteers are links enabling the solidarity chain, Monaco Collectif Humanitaire, to exist.

The DCI wanted to bring them all together in order to also enjoy the presence of its technical coordinators for Niger and Mali, who simultaneously serve as intermediaries for the MCH in their respective countries.



15th anniversary of MCH


children operated in Monaco, Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso

100 %

donation allocated in favor of children

100 %

doctors operate voluntarily


families and hosting structures are volunteers


hospital costs covered by health centers in Monaco

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