The goal of the Collective is to offer treatment in Monaco to children whose heart disorders are inoperable in their countries of origin. Treatment is also available for certain orthopaedic disorders.

The project has the support of Monegasque hospitals and medical centres:

  • The Monaco Cardio-Thoracic Center (CCM)
  • The Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG)
  • The Monegasque Institute of Sports Medicine and Surgery (IM2S)

all of which make their best specialists available at no charge and cover part of the hospitalisation costs.


The children’s journey

  • Identifying a sick child

A doctor from the country of origin identifies a child whose heart or orthopaedic disease cannot be treated in his/her own country and sends the file to MCH.

  • Transferring the child

Once the medical file has been approved, MCH initiates the administrative formalities concerning the child’s travel arrangements by air with an escort from Aviation sans Frontières (ASF). Upon arrival at Nice airport, the child is welcomed by a host family who take care of him/her on a benevolent basis throughout his/her stay.

  • Surgical procedure

Depending on the pathology, the child stays at the health centre between 5 and 10 days, or more, monitored and pampered by the medical staff and host family.

  • Convalescence at the host family’s home

The host family stays in contact with the biological family. Once the discharge visit has taken place, the return trip is near.

  • Return home

An ASF escort accompanies the child on the flight home and hands him/her over to his/her family upon arrival at the airport. Regular monitoring with a local GP is requested



Positive results for Monaco Collectif Humanitaire


Monaco Collectif Humanitaire au secours des enfants malades




Roberta, 15 year-old, Cameroun

“My name is Roberta. I am fifteen years old and come from Cameroon. I came to France and Monaco to undergo heart surgery. I am writing this note to tell you that I am currently well and to express my gratitude. I really don’t know how to thank all the people who helped me get better.

When I arrived, I wasn’t afraid of the treatment but of the people I was going to meet. I was wondering who my host family would be, how I was going to manage without my own family. I said to myself “Go on and everything will be fine”. As soon as I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the way in which everyone welcomed and treated me throughout my stay. This experience taught me many things. After the operation, my parents phoned me and asked me if I felt a difference. I shouted out “And how!” – it was a moment of great joy. I really don’t know how to express my thanks, the only thing I can say is thank you, thank you from my family and friends too, thank you to my host family, to the staff at the Cardio Thoracic Centre in Monaco and everyone I met. I hope that one day we will meet again because it is a small world”.


Témoignages en vidéos 


children operated in Monaco, Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso

100 %

donation allocated in favor of children

90 %

of operations are carried out in Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso


families and hosting structures are volunteers


hospital costs covered by health centers in Monaco