In the heart of the high school College Charles III collects €20,000 for Monaco Collectif Humanitaire

On Wednesday 27 June, with a great deal of emotion, the Head of the Collège Charles III, Cédric Bertrand, handed over the sum of €20,000 to Monaco Collectif Humanitaire in order to fund heart operations for two children who cannot be treated in their countries of origin. This sum was collected by the school’s pupils and its entire staff through various charity initiatives and projects.

Collège Charles III’s main aim was to collect €10,000 to pay for a surgical procedure for young Iorentsoa from Madagascar at the Monaco Cardiothoracic Centre. Hosted by the Monaco Red Cross, after a successful operation, Iorentsoa was able to travel back to her own country to celebrate her second birthday with her family.

The mobilisation of the school’s pupils and its entire staff was a real success. Soon, a second child is going to be operated on in Monaco.

The numerous projects carried out include the creation of a school diary devoted to the Principality and its history.  This diary, sponsored by Kiwanis Monaco, will be available in all the primary schools in the Principality at the start of the new school year.

Finally, the footballer Olivier Giroud, Ambassador of Hearts for MCH, supported the pupils by sponsoring this initiative and making a video to encourage them.



children operated in Monaco, Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso

100 %

donation allocated in favor of children

90 %

of operations are carried out in Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso


families and hosting structures are volunteers


hospital costs covered by health centers in Monaco

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