Collectif > Our ambassador of heart

Footballer Olivier Giroud has been the Ambassador of the Monaco Collectif Humanitaire since 2014

Olivier Giroud, who plays as striker for AC Milan and the French national team, is a committed Ambassador who gives a lot of his time and funds numerous operations. He has met several times with the children and their foster families as well as with the hospital staff to give them all his support.

“By reaching out to the children under care, by meeting the doctors, host families and supporting organisations, I have come to appreciate all the good and dedication of this chain of solidarity.

Supporting Monaco Collectif Humanitaire means offering a chance of life to the most disadvantaged children of the world.

100% of all donations are used to provide care to the children so don’t hesitate, please join us!”

Olivier Giroud


children operated in Monaco, Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso

100 %

donation allocated in favor of children

90 %

of operations are carried out in Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso


families and hosting structures are volunteers


hospital costs covered by health centers in Monaco