Make a donation

Surgical treatment

Donations are managed by the Monegasque Red Cross.



By cheque

Cheques are payable to “Monaco Collectif Humanitaire” and should be sent to the Monegasque Red Cross, 27 Boulevard de Suisse 98000 Monaco.
Your cheque should be accompanied by your name, surname, full address, email address and telephone number

By bank transfer

Your donations by bank transfer should be made for the benefit of Monaco Collectif Humanitaire’s bank account at CFM. You will find the full bank details by downloading the RIB below.

Download the RIB


What are donations used for?

We need your donations for this chain of solidarity to continue to exist.

The average cost of providing care for a child is approximately 15,000 € in Monaco.

This amount represents part of the hospital fees (50% of the fees are covered by the health centres) and the return flights.

All the doctors intervene free of charge and the host families are all volunteers. They receive no compensation. Finally, costs related to communication and project coordination are covered by the Government of Monaco.

In our partner countries, operations vary from 900 to 5,000 € depending on the countries and the pathologies.

Consequently 100% of your donations go to the children.

Donors who would like to do so can meet the child (or children) they have sponsored in Monaco.


Sponsored schooling and food

Donations are managed by the association Rencontres Africaines.

The logical follow-up to surgical treatment: ensure that these children receive food and educational assistance to support their development.

Since 2012, sponsorship has been the logical follow-up to our approach to offer surgical treatment to sick children who could not be treated in their own country.

Our representatives in the countries concerned, who already liaised with the families, regularly inform us of needs for support; they also ensure follow up with the families. Thanks to them, we are regularly updated on our young protégés.

Download the RIB

Click here to send your donations


children operated in Monaco, Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso

100 %

donation allocated in favor of children

90 %

of operations are carried out in Mali, Madagascar, Senegal and Burkina Faso


families and hosting structures are volunteers


hospital costs covered by health centers in Monaco